The IP Strategy Summit: East

November 15, 2022
East Coast

The IP Strategy Summit East

We are thrilled to be presenting in-person once again!

For the past 18 months, litigation has been on the rise as it is spurred by NPE activity and funded litigation. However, the economy is slowing down and inflation will be an impacting factor into 2023. Combined with these and other domestic challenges, we also face geo-political conflict and turmoil which impacts international IP strategy. How do patent practitioners build on the opportunities that have emerged from the pandemic and come out of an economic downturn stronger?

Come join your IP peers for a day of learning and benchmarking on progressive, actionable insights from the front lines on topics such as:

  • Building effective Prosecution and Portfolio Management strategy
  • Managing Budgets and getting Buy-In
  • Creating Defensive Litigation Strategies
  • Building an Enforcement and Monetization Program
  • How and when to Utilize IPRs
  • Shaping an International Strategy
  • and much more . . .


Jonathan Caplan
Partner, Co-Chair, Intellectual Property
Kramer Levin
Paul Coletti
(Formerly) VP MedTech IP Strategy & Associate Patent Counsel
Johnson & Johnson
Kenneth Corsello
US Trade Secret Counsel
IBM Corporation
Wendy Stein
Ballard Spahr
Graphic of a person.
Tim Bedard
VP - Chief Patent Counsel
Caren Khoo
VP & Deputy General Counsel - Global Technology & Intellectual Property
Victoria Friedman
Managing Partner
Dennemeyer & Associates LLC
Puja Detjen
Patterson + Sheridan
Kim Jessum
Chief IP Counsel, Associate General Counsel, and Secretary
Heraeus Incorporated
Philip Hirschhorn
Panitch Schwarze Belisario & Nadel LLP
Derek Lam
Senior IP Counsel
Dell Technologies
Joseph Sherinsky
Assistant General Counsel for Litigation and Intellectual Property
Mitsubishi Chemical America, Inc.
Pejman F. Sharifi
Fox Rothschild LLP
Edward Tempesta
VP, Senior Counsel - Intellectual Property
M. Brad Lawrence
Partner and Co-Chair of the Electrical Engineering Practice
Cantor Colburn LLP
Charles Sanders
Latham & Watkins LLP
Karen Keller
Shaw Keller LLP
Jennifer Ying
Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP
Frank J. Nuzzi
Principal Counsel - IP Litigation & Disputes
Siemens Corporation
Renada Williams
Associate General Counsel
The Vitamin Shoppe
Erin Dunston
Panitch Schwarze Belisario & Nadel LLP
Jason LaBerteaux
AVP & Assistant General Counsel - Global IP/Technology Unit


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